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Gym Jam

1,081 views Cocksure Men

Shay Michaels is flat on his back pumping iron as his spotter, Heath Jordan, keeps a close eye on...


559 views Cocksure Men

Get out your safety glasses and beakers; cause the chemistry between Coby Mitchell and Damian Rios...

Hay Hikers II

792 views Cocksure Men

It's just another beautiful day here in SoCal, perfect for a leisurely hike. Dakota Rivers and...

Dak Ramsey Solo

1,648 views Cocksure Men

Dak Ramsey is taking some time out from performing lube jobs on old cars to perform a hand-job for...

Gym Jam II

733 views Cocksure Men

In the first "Gym Jam," which proved to be a big hit with Cocksure Men members, two...

Total Scenes: 5270