Titus Gallen
- Age: 19
- Height: 5.7 (170cm)
- Weight: 155 (70 kg)
- Shoe Size: 9 US (43 EU)
- Dick Size: 7.0 (18cm)
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Featured in: 5 Scenes

Titus Gallen Personal Note:
I was so excited to be able to come and work with the dudes at CollegeDudes247! I really think that the human body is a beautiful thing, and I work hard to keep mine in shape - I love porn because it definitely lets me express myself. I hope to be entertaining you all alot more!
Our Notes about Titus Gallen:
Producers at College Dudes said:
Titus got a call from us the day he applied. He is such a great guy, and he has the cutest smile and such a hot body. We were pretty sure that you all would like him as well, and after the first sce